
Creator Spotlight - jellydoughnut

Creator Spotlight - jellydoughnut

Creator Spotlight - jellydoughnut

June 20, 2024

Get to know the celestial sorceress born from the stars, jellydoughnut!

We’d love to get to know you a little better, tell us a little about who you are as a Creator?

Hi! I’m Jelly, a celestial sorceress vtuber that’s born from the stars! I stream mostly FPS games, do some karaoke, some just chatting, and mostly just aim to create a happy and safe space for everyone to hang out and relax! 

When did you start streaming and why?

I started streaming just over 3 years ago now (omg that's a long time ago) - and I mostly wanted a place for my friends to watch me play games I guess! 

If it’s SFW, Where did your username come from?

This is a funny one… a long time ago when i was creating my social media (think 13 year old me), i thought the way americans called jam doughnuts jelly doughnuts was the cutest thing ever, so my twitter was @jellydoughnut__ and i guess i decided to make my twitch @jellydoughnut too and i just never changed it! 

Do you have a moment in your streaming career you’ll never forget?

Getting the email that I hit Partner on Twitch. I got rejected a couple of times over the course of maybe six months? And i was expecting another rejection email as well that time. I was scrolling on my phone when I got the email and I remember reading the title of it and not believing it was real - I had to call one of my mods to make sure I wasn't dreaming LMAO. My community and I worked so long and hard, and I'm glad we finally achieved it.

When you press end stream and turn off the camera, what does the rest of your day look like?

I mostly take a break for a bit and stretch my legs (give them a break from sitting for such a long time), and then I come back and work on getting clips, or planning projects and doing social media work on my socials! 

Content creation is a 24/7 job, you’re the CEO, Editor, Creative Director, Community Manager and more. How do you mix work/life balance and being a creator?

Short answer is probably I'm a workaholic. I have a full-time job, so I have a set schedule that I stick to every week for streams as well. It helps me plan better on when I can take breaks and socialize out of the stream and work, whenever I need to! 

How did Noice grab your attention, and what were your first impressions of the platform?

I’m always trying to figure out ways to make my streams more interactive because I'm not a facecam streamer, and the fact that Noice has a built-in prediction/game system brings a bit more fun to the stream! I think its a super fun concept and im very happy to be a part of it. 

Do you think it’s harder or easier to get into streaming now vs 5 years ago?

I think it's easier to get into streaming now because there are so many tips, youtube video guides, tutorials etc out there to help you figure out your ideal stream set up, and basically how to start streaming if you did a bit of research! 

What advice do you give to others who want to start streaming now?

Go for it! There’s no better time to start than now~ A lot of people say this but it is true: do not worry about the numbers. Have fun, that’s the most important thing! Viewers can tell if you’re genuinely enjoying yourself, and that makes for a more enjoyable experience for them. That’s not to say it's not hard work if you’d like to grow and succeed, but there’s a balance in how you view things in order to not get burnt out. I wish you the best of luck! 

What’s next for you - what are your ambitions in this industry?

As of right now, I would like to continue growing my community and making new friends, and have a fun time with my creator friends, and watch us all grow together and succeed as a group! 

Do you have any mods you’d like to shout-out in case they read this?

Hitokeke, Almeeda, Drolle, Fuyer, Ouija, Tanuki, Tony, Jolx, Flame, Hanael, Zodi, Rai - thank you for being the best mod team a girly could ever ask for ♡ (my sanity and channel wouldn’t be where it is today without them)

Get some good vibes and catch Jelly live on Noice! Beware the karaoke! 🎤

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