Patch Notes
2 décembre 2024
A new Chapter brings a new season to our Fornite card game. Get up to speed and grab that competitive edge!
Disabled for now (but visible in collection):
Quickscope - sniper rifle knock/elim before next storm circle
Super Sniper - sniper rifle knock/elim over 100m
Unvaulted cards:
Meteorologist - Use a forecast tower Balance changes:
🟢 Hand 2 Hand - Get a knock/elim with a Melee weapon
point change: 180/1230 -> 360/1710
🟢 Predictable - Explosive knock/elim
point change: 180/1230 -> 360/1710
🟢 Gone Fishing - use a fishing spot
point change: 180/1530 -> 360/2160
🟢 Super Sniper - Sniper rifle knock/elim over 100m
point change: 180/1230 -> 360/1710
🟢 Steady Hand - Next knock/elim is with a pistol or revolver
prediction change: Pistol or revolver knock/elim before next Storm Circle
🟢 Quickscope - Next knock/elim is with a sniper rifle
prediction change: Sniper rifle knock/elim before next Storm Circle
🟢 Treasure Hunter - Search 2 Chests before the next Storm Circle
value change: 2 -> 1
🟢 Stay Down! - Earn a double elimination or better before the next Storm Circle
point change: 90/840 -> 180/1230
🟢 I'm Helping! - 2 assists before 2 knocks/elims
value change: 2 -> 3 knocks/elims
🔴 Tea(i)m Player - 5 knocks/elims before next Assist
value change: 5 -> 7
🔴 Blitz Play - 2 kncoks/Elims before the next Storm Circle
value change: 2 -> 3
🔴 Critical Riposte - Knock/elim with less than half health
prediction change: "... before next storm circle"
🔴 Anti-Meta - Next 3 knocks/elims are NOT from a shotgun
value change: 3 -> 4
🔴 Team-works - Teammate gets the next knock/elim
value change: 1 -> 2